August’s First Few Weeks

Well, parenthood has come. Sleep is taken in three hour shifts, Jacki has become a master of soothing the little guy and I have spit-up stains on most of my shirts. But I wear them like I’ve earned my stripes.

August is three weeks old and it’s been wonderful. Jacki’s mom, Jeanette, came to stay with us for three weeks while we got adjusted to family life. Having her around was a blessing beyond words. She held the little man all day long, helped us keep the house from falling apart and spent some much appreciated quality time with Jacki and August while I prepared for the coming semester at Mae Fah Luang.

Thai schools open this week and we’re hosting our Back 2 School Party at the Nest. I met with the leaders of the Christian Club last Friday to plan out the year.

We’re excited about this batch. It’s going to be a busy year, and we’re anticipating some beautiful stories.

Valentine’s Day Party @ the Nest

Thais love anything to do with love. This Valentine’s Day we took full advantage of that fact and hosted our own Valentine’s Day party at the Nest. Jacki baked up a storm with a friend of hers, we put up as many hearts as we had wall-space, and then the fun began. Over thirty students showed up that night, giving us the opportunity to make some new friends, have some fun with young people we’ve been investing in, and share a little more love with them. At the end of the night, I sat down and talked about the unconditional love of Jesus. The crowd oohed and aaahed as I told them about how God guided my love story with Jacki and what Jesus’ love is like for them. Jesus said, “They will know you by your love…” Pray with us that they will find his love and the life that it gives.

Christmas @ the Nest

Christmas (and Santa) came early to the Nest this year. With Christmas music and laughter playing throughout the room, students ate desserts to their satisfaction, played games, exchanged gifts and heard the Christmas story. Here are a few shots of the night.

Telling the Christmas Story

It was my birthday, so a few of the students got me a cake to celebrate

Playing a few games to deepen our relationships

Santa improving his spelling with a game of bananagrams

Playing a few Christmas songs at the Christmas Story eventJacki teaching one of our famous baking nightsAum with her own hand-decorated Christmas cookie