Painting the Nest

Painting is much harder work than it seems at first. After about 3 rounds of painting the Nest, we’re finally finished, but not without a few semi-blisters, some ruined clothes, aches in our legs and backs, and quite a bit of paint-inhalation. Here’s a few shots of the painting in progress.

Pi Oi painting her masterpiece

Look at that focus!

The fumes are getting to me

3 thoughts on “Painting the Nest

  1. Christopher Boucher and Lilbeth Sarga says:

    GREAT JOD evryone. To those who helped a blessing is coming for them. I read about the new conversations and the baptism of Ice Cream. Quit unusaual names I must say. I have talked to the COGWM headquaters and you should soon have the money our church raised. I soon should have our monthly qoute for you as well. GOD is working there and here in such great ways. I will be calling you soon ( about 2 weeks ) just to talk and fill you in with what is happening. GREAT JOB to all and let your students know that the Peru Church of GOD says GRAT JOB and we are happy for them and do lift them up in prayer daily as well you you guys there. LOVE in CHRIST Chris and Lily Boucher LMR’s Church of GOD

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